The Program
The application deadline for Fall 2026 admissions will be December 15, 2025.
The graduate program in Comparative Literature emphasizes flexibility and creativity. Our students tend to thrive under Cornell's graduate field system. As early as possible students choose a three-member special committee (whose membership can--and often does-- change as interests and approaches evolve). Only the committee chair must be a member of the Graduate Field in Comparative Literature. The other two members may be chosen from any other Fields at Cornell. Some students do end up with a committee of members from Comparative Literature, English or one of the national literature departments, but our students have ranged as far as Architecture and Experimental Biology in selecting mentors. The committee is endowed with significant autonomy in guiding the student through coursework, exams, teaching, dissertation and beyond.
Embracing flexibility
The program imposes no required courses, thus allowing the student maximal latitude in composing a program of study. We understand "comparison" in a very generous sense and we encourage work that is theoretical, anthropological, critical, or historical as well as grounded in the study of particular cultural or linguistic traditions and in different media. Normally students need to have the ability to do advanced work in at least two languages as well as having reading knowledge of a third language. Recently, students and faculty have worked reading literature with trauma theory, cognitive science, environmental humanities, new media studies, and many more. We maintain close collaboration with other fields and programs at Cornell including Anthropology, Philosophy, Art History, Performing and Media Arts, Religious Studies, The Law School, Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Asian American Studies, Africana Studies.
All PhD degree candidates are guaranteed six academic years and five summers of funding (including a stipend, a full tuition fellowship and student health insurance):
- A first-year non-teaching fellowship
- Four years of teaching assistantships
- A fourth- or fifth-year non-teaching fellowship for the dissertation writing year
Summer support for five years, including a first-year summer teaching assistantship, linked to a teacher's training program at the Knight Institute. Summer residency in Ithaca is required.
Admissible students who meet the criteria and ask to be considered may also be nominated for the Dean's Excellence Diversity Fellowship.
Entering students are assigned to the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) until they identify a committee chair. By the end of the first year the student, again in consultation with the DGS, should compose her or his Special Committee.
From the third term onward the chief responsibility for the student rests with the Special Committee. Students are required to meet with the members of their committee for the Second-Year Review (see below) by the end of their third term, and they are encouraged to meet at least once a year thereafter to formulate topics and compose reading lists for their A-exams and to discuss their progress toward completing the dissertation. It is the student's responsibility to see that this continued contact is maintained.
The student should have a good reading knowledge of the languages of choice; this involves at least two foreign languages, since one may be English. It is strongly urged that she or he acquire fluency in speaking one of the foreign languages, especially if a concentration in a foreign language is chosen. Many of our students develop language skills on campus during the academic year (through upper-level seminars, foreign language reading courses, or more informal tutorials) or abroad, during the summer. There are a number of funding opportunities at Cornell to partially offset summer classes.
The student normally takes a minimum of 12 courses during her or his doctoral study . The student selects the courses in consultation with the Special Committee. Of the total number of courses, 10 must be taken for a grade. Many of our students continue to audit courses beyond the required minimum.
Most of our students teach during the second, third and fourth year, either as instructors of writing seminars (in English), or as instructors of a foreign language or as teaching assistants for a lecture class. All students receive substantive training and have access to resources on campus to help them develop their pedagogical skills as well as teaching portfolios for the academic job market.
The Second-Year Review
The Second-Year Review is intended to enable students to begin focusing on the topics, approaches and areas of research that will form the basis of their A-exams. The Review takes place in a meeting with the student and committee members. The primary focus on the meeting is a discussion of a piece of writing, submitted at least two weeks prior to the scheduled Review. Our students generally submit a revised seminar paper; they are not necessarily expected to write something new for the Review. To help ensure a substantive and constructive meeting with their special committees, students also prepare a relatively brief statement of research interests and proposed areas of course work up to the A-exam. One purpose of the statement would be to reflect on the place of this writing sample in the constellation of a student's interests: to address its relation to future work, to frame it as part of a coherent project, or to use it as a springboard to discuss the comparatist parameters of the anticipated research. The review takes place in the third term as a precondition of registering for the fourth term of courses.
The A-exam
The purpose of the A (or qualifying)-exam is twofold: first, to certify the student’s competence in his or her fields of specialization, particularly with a view to preparing the student to seek employment in a single-language department, and second, to lay the foundations for the dissertation. Scholarship in Comparative Literature is increasingly interdisciplinary and includes a variety of language areas, each with its own disciplinary protocols. The fields of specialization are thus determined by each student in consultation with the Special Committee, which is also the ultimate arbiter of the nature and content of the A-exam questions. The fields often entail concentration in a particular period of the major literature, emphasis on a particular genre and on theoretical or methodological approaches.
The following examples from recently completed A-exams roughly follow this pattern:
Example 1:
- first field: English modernist novel
- second field: German modernist novel
- third field: Psychoanalysis and deconstruction
Example 2:
- first field: Anglophone and Francophone Caribbean Modernism
- second field: Harlem renaissance
- third field: Postcolonial theory and theories of modernity
Student programs with a more prominently interdisciplinary focus might configure the fields somewhat differently, as in the following examples:
Example 1:
- first field: Melodrama in Hindi film and television
- second field: Salman Rushdie and postcolonial theory
- third field: Theories of global modernity
Example 2:
- first field: Modernism/Postmodernism
- second field: German and Spanish 20th century experimental novel
- third field: Literature, Painting and the Body
The fields, typically three in number, form the basis of three reading lists. For each list, the student drafts a question which is the starting point of an essay. The essays can range from a survey of a field to a focused analysis that functions as a dry run for a dissertation chapter. Once the essay portion of the exam is completed, an oral exam is scheduled. The A-exam must be taken before the student's seventh term of residence. This is a requirement of the Graduate School, not of the Department.
The student must complete an acceptable dissertation. The work is directed by the chair of his or her Special Committee and must be approved by all members of the Special Committee.
The B-exam
This oral examination is a defense of the dissertation. It is administered by the Special Committee.
On-campus activities
Students in our program take advantage of many activities during their residency on campus, from established reading and writing groups on theory and psychoanalysis to regular attendance at Cornell cinema; from tutoring writing to arts programming through small grants. Frequent lectures allow opportunities for graduate students to engage with visiting scholars. The Society for the Humanities at Cornell, with strong ties to our department, makes an abundance of resources available, including fellowships for students finishing their dissertations. Recent year-long themes have included Skin, Corruption and Authority. Our students also organize and speak at colloquia in Comparative Literature. Students who have completed their A-exams are invited to apply to serve on the editorial board of the renowned journal, Diacritics.
After the Ph.D.
Our faculty, together with the Graduate School and with advanced students, offer a variety of workshops to help prepare students for the academic job market as well as for "alternative" academic careers. . Graduates of our program have secured academic positions in fields such as Comparative Literature, national languages/literatures, Area Studies, visual studies, film, and so on. Recent graduates are at Bristol (UK), U. of Toronto, Yale, St. Andrews (Scotland), Franklin and Marshall, University of Iowa, and more. A number of our students have gone on to work at research institutes, NGOs, or creative enterprises in the private sector.
The Field of Comparative Literature at Cornell University offers a Ph.D. in major areas of literary and cultural study. The application and additional information about graduate study at Cornell is available through the University Graduate School's Website. The Field of Comparative Literature admits only students intending to take the Ph.D.
Cornell University expects all applicants to complete their application materials without the use of paid agents, credentials services, or other paid professional assistance. The use of such services violates University policy, and may lead to the rejection of application materials, the revocation of an admissions offer, cancellation of admission, or involuntary withdrawal from the University.
The application must be submitted online. All supporting materials (including the writing sample of 15-20 pages, double spaced) must be uploaded to your application. Recommendation letters should be uploaded by the recommenders. If your letters are stored with a credential service such as Interfolio, please use their Online Application Delivery feature and input the email address assigned to your stored document, rather than that of your recommender’s. The electronic files will be attached to your application when they are received and will not require the letter of recommendation cover page.
We are unable to accept any documents sent via mail services to our office.
Scan transcripts from each institution you have attended, or are currently attending, and upload into the academic information section of the application. Be sure to remove your social security number from all documents prior to scanning. Please do not send paper copies of your transcripts. If you are subsequently admitted and accept, the Graduate School will require an official paper transcript from your degree-awarding institution prior to matriculation.
Required test
GRE General Test and GRE Subject Test are NO LONGER REQUIRED for graduate admissions to Comparative Literature.
International applicants must demonstrate proficiency in the English language by submitting official test scores from TOEFL or IELTS. Graduate School minimum scores are required. For more information, please view the Graduate School's English Language Requirement.
Scores over five years old are no longer valid.
Data may be saved and edited until the application is submitted, at which time no changes may be made.
Applications must be submitted by December 15. Offers of admission and financial aid are made by April 1, but usually much earlier.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to contact specific faculty members prior to submitting my application?
Please do not email faculty directly. If admitted, you will be invited to attend a Visit Day (early to mid-March) where you will have ample time to meet our field faculty and our graduate students.
However, we encourage you to learn more about our faculty’s academic interests https://complit.cornell.edu/grad-field-faculty and articulate in your Academic Statement of Purpose how your research interests align with multiple faculty members’.
How do I find a faculty advisor once admitted?
When admitted, the department will assign you a faculty advisor, one whose research interests clearly aligns with yours. You also have the flexibility to exchange and work with other faculty members.
How do I know if a faculty member is accepting new students?
Comparative Literature field members are looking for graduate students who:
- Showcase a trans linguistic and theoretical competency,
- Demonstrate the capacity to combine or synthesize existing ideas, images, or expertise in original ways,
- exhibit the experience of thinking, reacting, and working in an imaginative way, and
- Are characterized by a high degree of innovation, divergent thinking, and risk taking.
I work in my native language and English, but the website says that applicants should demonstrate proficiency in at least 2 foreign languages. Can you say more?
The languages are the student’s choice. However, they should have a good reading knowledge of their languages, one of which should be English. That means they should be fluent in at least three languages by the time they graduate. In fact, students have many opportunities to develop language skills throughout their time at Cornell.
Where can I find more information about the Ph.D. and specifics of the application process?
We will offer informational Open Houses for students interested in applying to our Ph.D. program. The dates for any upcoming Open Houses will be posted at the top of this page.
When is the application submission deadline?
The deadline to apply for our Ph.D. program will be December 15 at 11:59 p.m. EST. This is a firm deadline. The department Chair and the Director of Graduate Studies cannot extend that deadline.
My country of residence has restricted access to TOEFL and IELTS, and I can only take the DET, which Cornell University does not list as an accepted test. What should I do? Is there a way to make an exemption in my case?
The Graduate School, not the Department of Comparative Literature, determines these questions. Follow this link to learn about the policies on exemptions https://gradschool.cornell.edu/admissions/application-steps/required-tests/english-language-proficiency-requirement-2/
Is there a way to waive the application fee in dire financial circumstances?
The Graduate School will consider a request for a fee waiver in extreme cases. For more information, please refer to the Application Fees page on the Cornell University Graduate School website.
How do I find out the status of my application?
After the application deadline, faculty will begin reviewing applications as soon as they are marked “Complete”.
You can log into your application account via the Cornell online system and check the status of your Ph.D. application materials https://gradschool.cornell.edu/admissions/application-steps/apply-now/ . This system will be updated regularly as your items are received. Your application will be “Complete” once official test scores (if applicable) and letters of recommendation have been received.
You will be emailed if something is missing once the applications are processed. Please refrain from inquiring about the status of your application; inquiries will only delay the timely processing of applications.
Admission decisions are made by faculty committees taking the entire applicant pool into account. You will be notified of the admission decision by email, usually no later than March 1st.
Additional Information?
The Graduate School has created an extensive list of Frequently Asked Questions for Admissions and Admitted Students. The site is broken down by topic area and is searchable.
Still have questions, contact us at clk36@cornell.edu.
Graduate Student Awards
Noah Valdez has been awarded the 2024 Peter Uwe Hohendahl Graduate Essay Prize in Critical Theory from the Institute of German Cultural Studies for his essay "Schmitt, Kierkegaard, and the Political Theology of Faith."
Each year, Comparative Literature awards an Essay Prize and a Teaching Prize for graduate students. We encourage you to apply.
If you would like to be considered for the essay prize, please submit an original essay you have written during your time at Cornell. You might submit a seminar paper, a dissertation chapter, or something you have prepared for presentation or publication. All submissions should be limited to 25 pages double-spaced. Shorter pieces are of course especially welcome! If you are extracting your submission from a longer piece of writing you should frame with a paragraph or two for context. Contact information for this submission will be updated when submissions are being accepted.
If you would like to be considered for the teaching prize, please submit a teaching dossier. Contact information for this submission will be updated when submissions are being accepted.
The dossier should include the following items as a single PDF:
- Teaching statement (of the sort you write for academic job applications)
- (optional: pedagogical training, teaching awards...)
- Course description(s)
- Course evaluation(s). Please curate quantitative and qualitative responses into legible format (bullet list of quotes is fine)
- Sample syllabus/syllabi
- Teaching observation letter(s)
If you have any questions about the portfolio, don't hesitate to reach out.
You may apply to both prizes though we will choose different students to be awarded each prize.
The winners will receive a cash prize of $350, and will be profiled on the department website. The deadline for submissions is April 15th.
We are proud to congratulate
- Pascal Schwaighofer, the third Comparative Literature Essay Prize winner for his essay: "Honey Ties."
- Dr. Bret Leraul, the second Comparative Literature Essay Prize winner for his essay: “A Pedagogy of Literary Reproduction: Ricardo Piglia and Emilio Renzi.”
- Dr. Elizabeth Wijaya, the first Comparative Literature Essay Prize winner for her essay: "To See Die, Again: The Act of Filming and The Act of Killing."
We are also proud to honor
- Marc Kohlbry, the second Graduate Student Teaching Prize winner for his excellence in teaching.
- Junting Huang, the first Graduate Student Teaching Prize winner for his excellence in teaching.