Death in the Afternoon is a Cornell publication with an international, intercollegiate, and interdisciplinary focus. What sets this magazine apart from most other on-campus magazines is our goal to feature the voices of students from across the globe: we plan to accept submissions in any language and from any school. We will include texts from a variety of genres, including: short stories, flash fiction, poetry, screenplays, and personal essays. Another major component of the magazine will be translation studies; non-English pieces will be accompanied by a translation by the author themselves or a collaborator. Artwork will also be an important part of the magazine; we plan to have artists and writers collaborate to have art that goes with written texts--though standalone artwork will be featured as well. Death in the Afternoon will represent the intersection between different cultures, genres, and mediums and we hope to feature diverse talents and reach a diverse audience.
We accept
Flash fiction, short stories, poetry, screenplays, creative nonfiction, 2-D artwork, original works in non-English languages (accompanied by an English translation)
Submission guidelines
Email with the subject line “DITA Submission: [Genre].” In the body of your email, be sure to include your name, netID, and university. Attach the document to your email. Do NOT include your name in the attachment! (No limit to the number of submissions, though please send a separate email for each submission)
Page limits (Times New Roman, 12-font, single space):
- Flash fiction: 1 pg
- Short story: 5 pgs
- Screenplay: 5 pgs (preferably one short scene)
- Poetry: 2 pgs
- Creative nonfiction: 3 pgs